Hi guys, you might remeber my query a while ago about the Imagine
upgrade. Apparently, international prepaid postage does not exist
in Japan so I cannot do the software upgrade with the SASE approach.
If I am wrong I do not know; I do not speak enough Japanese to investigate
these things over here. And trying to do things like this in Japan are
so complicated and convuluted ( sp? ) here.
Do I have any options with getting the upgrade to Imagine 1.1?
This really frustrates me. I could send my diskette back home to Canada
and get my brother to mail it in but I am really loathe to mail a stupid
diskette all over the place. Will Impulse accept a money order for the
postage to send me the upgrade? Would they bill me if I just send them a
If someone could reply be E-Mail since I have lost the feed to the list
for some reason ( I am sure nothing is wrong on Steve Worley's end -
the mail system in Japan is not so reliable in my experience).
And if possible I would like to know if there has been any further upgrades
announced or anything else I should know as a registered but to this day
unacknowledged owner of Imagine v1.0. I have not seen anything from the
list in about a month I think.
Thanks I appreciate it in advance.
Manjit ( deep heavy sigh)
Subject: make Imagine faster
Date: Wed, 15 May 91 05:18 PDT
From: Scott_Busse@mindlink.bc.ca (Scott Busse)
David, along with your time trials for speeding up Imagine, could you also
include specifics about what Amiga model and accessories you're using, please.
Is it an accelerated ('020 or '030) machine? Do you use an overscan workbench?
Are you running OS1.3 or 2.0? We must be scientific about this! :) Thanks!
* Scott Busse email: O O O_ _ ___ .....
* CIS 73040,2114 ||| /|\ /\ O/\_ / O )=|
* scott_busse@mindlink.UUCP l | | |\ / \ /\ _\
* scott_busse@mindlink.bc.ca Live Long and Animate... \
Subject: Re: Scripting Language For Imagine?
Date: Wed, 15 May 91 10:36:45 PDT
From: "Mark W. Davis 206.865.8749" <davis@soomee.zso.dec.com>
I usually have a project call "proto" with just that setup. I just
load my object into proto at coords 0,0,0 save and render it. Works
just fine. I usually have two copies of Imagine running anyway, proto
and the project I am working on works great!
Subject: PICTURE: CastleRoom.lzh on hubcap
Date: Sun, 19 May 91 19:16:50 -0400
From: Udo K Schuermann <walrus@wam.umd.edu>
Greetings, fellow Imagineers:
Another of my creations is now available via ftp from hubcap:
This one was a sheer memory hog to render because of its
20000+ polygons and plenty of brushes and textures. Hope you like it!
._. Udo Schuermann "Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter
( ) walrus@wam.umd.edu with the promise of the brave new world unfurled
Seeking virtual memory beneath the clear blue sky?" -- Pink Floyd
Subject: Help with sky gradients and 'Genlock' option..
Date: 20 May 91 2:26 -0500
From: "Jeff A. Bell" <uubell@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
A couple quick questions:
I can't seem to get Imagine to render a sky with a blended gradient: all I
manage to get are very distinct 'bands' of colour, with sharp delineations
between the colours. I've tried setting the 'blending' option in the globals
to both 0 and 255: same thing both times. I'm rending in 24bit, BTW.
Secondly, I wanted to have the reflections of the sky in a couple of my
objects, as they aren't really 'coloured', but rather depend on reflections
for colour. I DIDN'T want the sky to actually show up though, so I set the
genlock option in the globals. For some strange reason, I still got the sky.
Does this have anything to do with the fact that I did not have a 0 setting for
the star density? (Come to think of it, it's rather dumb to have the star
setting anything BUT 0, since they don't show up in reflections anyway). There is no real horizon, BTW: the images are 'hanging' out in space. Have I solved
my own problem with regards to the star density setting?
Just got the upgrade from TS a couple weeks ago. I do believe I'll burn the
Turbo Silver disk that Impulse was good enough to send back to me :) Imagine's
very nice, IMHO..
Thanks in advance,
Subject: Re: Help with sky gradients and 'Genlock' option..
Date: Mon, 20 May 91 10:36 EDT
From: "Doug Bischoff" <DEB110@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
As far as the sky gradients goes, when rendering in 24 bits the gradient
should be set to "0" in the Globals so you'll get true 24 bit shading. But
when you load it into a program (such as Imagine!) to display it... that progra
m's dithering and color-interpretation algorythms will determine how much (if
any) banding you get... your 24 bit file will look fine, but only a good progra
m (such as ADPro or what have you) will dither it well enough to avoid banding.
With the star fields... they DO show up in reflections but only in ray tra
ce mode. (Look nice, too.)
If you want to have the color of the background be on an object, just make
that object very reflective on all colors and it will reflect the "sky".
|Just another lemming... | Yet another Amiga maniac set loose |
| | on the world...and you thought things|
|lmbailey@vela.acs.oakland.edu | couldn't get any worse. |
Subject: Rooms - I'll do the washroom
Date: Fri, 24 May 1991 13:39:37 -0400
From: cbmtor!caleb@uunet.UU.NET (Caleb J. Howard (Product Support))
My name is Caleb. I work for Commodore up here in Canada eh. I like
this idea of a communal house project. If it's not already taken, I'll
do the washroom. Why the washroom? you ask. Well, there's potential
for futuristic appliances with an intimate look at the virtual
inhabitant's personal habits. (No lewd connotations, I swear)
Anyhow, if someone is taking charge, please mail me some specs/dimensions
for the lou.
Subject: TARDIS Object...
Date: Fri, 24 May 91 23:37:36 PDT
From: Daryl T. Bartley <dmon@ecst.csuchico.edu>
Sorry if this is a repeat, but I am not sure if the first message got through
at all...I have been having trouble sending to the list, it keeps bouncing.
Well, anyway, I have an object of the TARDIS that I made (With Turbo Silver,
argh)...the windows could PROBABLY use some more detail, but it is definately
recognizable. I am working on getting the signs on top, and the sign on the doorwrapped onto it, but since I am running on a 1 meg system (Are you CRAZY?!), I
can't do it myself. But, if anyone wants to take a look at it, I'll send it to
hubcap, maybe with a render I did of it, too.
If anyone finds any use for it, that's great, just maybe give me a small credit
SOMEWHERE if you could.
Daryl Bartley
Still don't have the darn .sig rebuilt!
Subject: ROOMS
Date: Sat, 25 May 91 12:23:58 EDT
From: alan@picasso.umbc.edu (Alan Price)
So far Caleb J Howard says he's going to make a WASHROOM ( a futuristic one )
Laurana Bailey is going work on a bedroom.
Steve Worley mentioned doing a entrance foyer with staircase.
I'm planning a room with spiral stairs and loft.
I've also got an idea for a bathroom.
I've returned to school here on a Saturday out of sheer excitement for this
project. I saw two of the above responses that were new, but what I don't know
is whetheer anybody has looked at the "ROOMS.lzh" file on hubcap?
I'm hoping for responses on whether people want to go with this idea or if we
need to follow another design. I'm especially awaitng responses from spworley,
Bob Borsari, Udo, Brian R., and others who have been discussing possibilities
for this project.
P.S. It suddenly dawned on me that Caleb may be using the term "washroom" for
what I called a "bathroom" ( I was thinking "laundryroom", a possible
mix-up with that foreign Canadian lingo.) If you meant the room with all
the ceramic appliances and personal hygiene stuff, then I stand corrected.
Since everyone else is probably out for the weekend, I'm outta here, too.
I'll check in on Tuesday.
Alan P.
Subject: FTP of public objects
Date: Sat, 25 May 91 12:20:35 EDT
From: tclayto@nswc-wo.navy.mil (Terry Clayton)
I just recently got on this mailing list and was interested in
the FTP location of the publicly available Imagine objects, etc.
They used to be at ab20.larc.nasa.gov but since it has been
reorganized (good job by the way) I have not been able to find
them. I keep seeing a mention of "hubcap" but don't know what
that means.
Thanks for the info!
Terry Clayton
Subject: It's there now...
Date: Sat, 25 May 91 18:13:11 PDT
From: Daryl T. Bartley <dmon@ecst.csuchico.edu>
Well, for anyone interested, I put my TARDIS object up on hubcap.clemson.edu,
in the right dir (I am pretty sure)...Have fun with it.
Good luck with the rooms project, too. I wish I could join in, but anything I
can create on my computer wouldn't be worth it next to all those wonderful
complex objects. Oh well.
Any ideas on how much a copy of the tape might be? I would like to see it when
it is done, even if I can't participate.
Daryl T. Bartley
In Search Of...a .sig!
Subject: Rooms
Date: Sun, 26 May 91 19:04:00 -0500
From: Donald Richard Tillery Jr <drtiller@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu>
Hey folks, this house idea is a stroke of brilliance. Since most of the
normal rooms are scarfed up, I'm putting my bid in on a game room. I
thought maybe a large room that could be a basement with lots of entertainment
items in it. If a basement is a bad idea, I can limit it to the size of a
normal room (which is what?). SOMEBODY let me know what direction I should
tend toward. In the mean time I'll start working on the objects.
Rick Tillery (drtiller@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu)
Subject: Rooms
Date: Tue, 28 May 91 18:05:41 EDT
From: alan@picasso.umbc.edu (Alan Price)
Please disregard the mention in my previous note of the ROOMS.lzh file
on hubcap. It has been removed.
Subject: Rooms
Date: Tue, 28 May 91 17:58:46 EDT
From: alan@picasso.umbc.edu (Alan Price)
Rooms thus far: Foyer w/staircase - Steve Worley
Washroom - Caleb Howard
Bedroom - Laurana Bailey
Gameroom - Rick Tillery
Conservatory - Doug Bischoff
Spiral stairs - Alan Price
These have been mentioned by the above people as ideas that they want
to do. None of them have been made yet, to my knowledge (except the room
with spiral stairs). I built my room from a "CornerRoom" and "MidRoom"
objects that I uploaded to hubcap in the IMAGINE/OBJECTS directory. These
room objects are empty shells for anyone to work from in any reconfiguration,
just as long as the proportions of the doorways and ceilings remain the same.
(The scale of these rooms happen to be about the same as SPWorley suggested,
but doubled in "units" - i.e., one story is 300 units, the rest of the specs
are in a text file with the object archive.)
NOTE - Since it has not been decided that this scale is the best to go with
by everyone, it does not mean you can't go ahead and start making the
contents of your room. Just re-scale them to fit the rooms later. (Be
prepared to change parameters in any texture attributes.)
I am still waiting on responses about the ROOMS.lzh file on hubcap. Anything
like, "Ok, this'll work.", or "wait what about this and that, etc." please.
Subject: rooms
Date: Tue, 28 May 91 18:43:27 PDT
From: Mark Davis <davis@soomee.enet.dec.com>
I have a "sunroom-hottub-recreation-view room" I have been working on for
a "while" that I would like to enter. As soon as I get my A2000
working again(GVP II hangs when adding 2nd SCSI device(tape or disk))
I'll finish it up. This room I am creating has a VISTA view through
one of its windows although that may change depending on the size
limitations of the objects. ARE there size limitations on the objects?
Subject: Forms Tutorial Part I & II
Date: Wed, 29 May 91 12:53:05 EDT
From: spworley@ATHENA.MIT.EDU
This is my long-promised tutorial on the Forms Editor. It is split
into two sections in order to keep mailers from choking. The first
part (which you are reading now) describes how the Forms Editor creates
its objects and what each menu option does. The second file contains
three step-by-step examples that show you how real objects are planned
and built in the Forms Editor.
There is a set of screen grabs and example pictures on hubcap.clemson.edu
in the pub/amiga/incoming/IMAGINE/MISC directory in a file called
Form_Tutorial.lzh. You might want to download this file to help with
the example forms I describe.
I've spent a LOT of time in writing over 40K in text to make this
tutorial and especially the example pictures. Any feedback is GREATLY
appreciated, as it will spur me on to doing a Detail Editor tutorial